The giant boat named MS Turanor PlanetSolar, manufactured by the Swiss company PlanetSolar uses renewable energy. It also has the distinction of being the largest solar-powered boat.
The Planet Solar boat, built under the leadership of the University of Geneva, has two separate missions. One of them is to instill environmental awareness by using only solar energy. The second is to undertake ocean research by making a world tour.
3 scientists from the University of Geneva have been trying for a long time to make the Planet Solar boat reach its goals. Scientists travel around the world with the Planet Solar boat to examine the great heat exchange currents created by the currents in the oceans in the atmosphere. The boat, which is fully solar-powered, can reach a speed of 10 km per hour.
The solar panels of Planet Solar, which are 31 meters long and 15 meters wide, cover an area of 516 square meters. The electricity obtained from these panels can produce a maximum of 127 horsepower. The engine of the boat, whose panels work with an efficiency of 18.8 percent, consumes an average of 20 KW power per hour. This power indicates that a maximum of 60 passengers can be carried on the boat. Source: Solar powered Planet Solar explores the ocean