• Opening Times: Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
+905076532450 info@energco.com
Metro 34 İKİTELLİ, Istanbul, Turkey

Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Investment in Solar


One of the most

growing investment sectors in the world


Do you want to invest in solar energy ? 

The required budget for the investment is very big !!

Now ENERGCO offers the best investment

opportunities that fit your budget

Definitely is the best time to invest in solar

plants with the budget that you specify

What are the requiredprocedures to become an investor in solar projects?

What are the required

procedures to become an investor in solar projects?

The first step:·       

Fill in the investment

form below·       

You will be contacted

by our sales representatives·       

We will be more than

happy to answer all of your questions

Second Step

The second step:·       

Sign the agreement and

we will receive the payment from you·       

We will issue an

official share certificates under your name 

Find out now manygreat benefits to invest in solar energy· 

  • Power purchase agreement

Turkish government gives guarantee to purchase

the produced electricity from solar power plants for 10 years. After these ten

years, the price of produced electricity is specified by open market.


  • Purchasing in dollars

Turkish government pledges to buy electricity

at $ 0.133 in support of the foreign investor


  • Ensure regular revenue

As an investor in this sector, you receive a

regular income every three months


  • Increase in land value

 You will have a share in the ownership of

solar plants land , so the increase in land value will bring additional



  • Project insurance

All our solar plants are covered by the best

insurance companies in Turkey


  •  Operation and maintenance

All the management, control and maintenance

actions are carried out by a specialized team using the latest technology


  •  Clean energy

Investing in solar energy, one of the most important

clean energy sources in the world, is the best opportunity to leave a cleaner

and more livable planet for future generations.